Thursday, July 19, 2012

Spejbl and Hurvinek

Spejbl and Hurvinek are the two most famous marionettes of the Czech puppeteer Josef Skupa. Spejbl was carved by Karel Nosek in 1919/1920. Spejbl's son Hurvinek, carved by Gustav , followed in 1926. Hurvinek's girlfriend Manicka was added in 1930, also the dog Zeryk. Grandmother Katerina arrived in 1971.
The Prague Marionette Theatre has produced Spejbl and Hurvinek in eighteen languages. I saw Don Giovanni while in Prague, but bought Manicka in one of the many local marionette stores.

Manicka sits on my backpack

Hurvinek and Manicka

Manicka goes home with me.

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